A List of Video Game GeoGuessrs

We are all aware of Geogusser correct? That popular internet game from 2013 where you are given a picture of a location on earth and need to pinpoint it on the map? It's a very simple yet fun premise that makes a popular comeback every few years or so. I've never been able to really… Continue reading A List of Video Game GeoGuessrs

Virtual Odyssey June 2020: Xenoblade Chronicles

A Journey Through the Game of the 2010s June 2020 Jre Best Well, I knew this would happen at some point. Yes, this month's Virtual Odyssey will only be covering one game, Xenoblade Chronicles. This game lives up to its reputation as an absurdly large piece of software. Something the many who bought Definitive Edition… Continue reading Virtual Odyssey June 2020: Xenoblade Chronicles